Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Breaking Dawn Blog 10/7/09

I am currently reading Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer, a action-love story about a family of vampires, a pack of werewolfs, and the adventures they face together. I can relate this story to our semesters question of: How do words and actions influence who other become? I can relate this to the story because one of the vampires, Bella, has just had a baby girl, Renesme. Many of the other characters that are close to Renesme call her 'Nessie' for short. This influneces Bellas actions becase she does not like her baby girl to be refered to as a sea monster. Thus everytime someone says this, Bella, being a new vampire, gets very upset. I can personally connect this to my own life, because I have seen many instinces where children are nicknamed and called things they dont like, and therefore they also get very upset.

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